Update: Download latex-related.bib if you want a bibliography file to play around with

Getting LaTeX to Work

Online Editors

You may want to consider using an online editor, which saves the hassle of maintaining and installing your own packages. One possible platform is Overleaf, which allows collaborative editing.

  1. Sign up for an account (there are free and paid plans available) on Overleaf.
  2. In your project dashboard, click on the Upload button just next to the "New Project" button, and choose "Upload zip".
  3. If you have already downloaded sample.zip from this page, you may now upload it to Overleaf.
  4. Alternatively, you may also choose "Link (URL)" from the sidebar, and copy this link into it: http://liantze.penguinattack.org/NTU-LaTeX/sample.zip
  5. .
  6. After the project is created and finishes compiling, preview the result PDF.

For Windows

  1. Download and install MikTeX. (Current version is 2.9.)
  2. Go to Windows Start -> MikTeX 2.9 > Maintenance (Admin) -> Package Manager (Admin).
  3. Then click on Repository -> Change Package Repository.
  4. Select "Packages shall be installed from the Internet". Click Next.
  5. Select a suitable server e.g. the Singaporean (NUS) server.
  6. Click Finish.
  7. Make sure that in Windows Start -> MikTeX 2.9 > Maintenance (Admin) -> Settings (Admin), "On-the-fly installation" is set to "Yes" or "Ask me first".
  8. Download sample.zip. Unzip it.
  9. Now start TeXworks by going to Windows Start -> MikTeX 2.9 > TeXworks. (You may use any other editor of your preference.)
  10. Open the downloaded sample.tex files in TeXworks. Click the Compile button (or just use Ctrl-T). Preview the result PDF.

For Mac OS X

If your Internet bandwidth is really fast

  1. Download and install MacTeX (2.4GB!!).
  2. Download and install the TeX Live Utility.
  3. Start the TeX Live Utility. Go to Configure > Manage repositories.
  4. Select the Singaporean server, and click "Use As Home".
  5. Download sample.zip`. Unzip it.
  6. Now start TeXworks. (You may use any other editor of your preference.)
  7. Open the downloaded sample.zip files in TeXworks. Click the Compile button (or just use Cmd-T). Preview the result PDF.

If you have limited bandwidth

  1. Download and install BasicTeX.
  2. Download and install TeXworks (or any other LaTeX editor of your choice).
  3. Download and install the TeX Live Utility.
  4. Start the TeX Live Utility. Go to Configure > Manage repositories.
  5. Select the Singaporean server, and click "Use As Home".
  6. Download sample.zip. Unzip it.
  7. Now start TeXworks. (You may use any other editor of your preference.)
  8. Open the downloaded sample.tex file in TeXworks. Click the Compile button (or just use Cmd-T). Preview the result PDF.

For GNU/Linux systems

  1. If you have the bandwidth and hard disk space, feel free to use your distro's package manager to install texlive.
  2. If you don't want the entire thing (~2.4GB) yet, install texlive packages that contain base and recommended in their names.
  3. Download sample.zip. Unzip it.
  4. Now start TeXworks. (You may use any other editor of your preference.)
  5. Open the downloaded sample.zip files in TeXworks. Click the Compile button (or just use Ctrl-T). Preview the result PDF.